Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Floor First - Project Boat - Ken Bassett Rascal

For me, the first order of business was to figure out the floor. The drawing package provided a table of offsets to enable me to layout the floor. Ultimately it was four pieces, cut with an old saber saw.

That saw should have been retired years earlier. The rough cut I was able to achieve required significant sanding to smooth the edge. Yes, I knew it would be under a rubber mat floor cover , completely out of sight, but it was important to me that every cut, every detail, be made with the most precision I was capable of. After hours of smoothing the cuts with a wood block wrapped with 60 grit, then 80 then 120 grit paper, I was satsified.

The cockpit on this boat is pretty small. I debated over cutting a hole in the sole, to put a small access port to store lines, fenders what ever might fit. After measuring and day dreaming about it I decided to not do it. I wasn't yet ready to determine the seat position and couldn't be certain on the port location to my satisfaction. More over, it wasn't in the plans and I was determined to stay faithful with the plans.

I coated the plywood with West System epoxy. Good move. Sealed the ply nicely and of course made it impervious to water. It was still cool, working in the garage, but after a few days, the epoxy set and I was good-to-go.

The floor went in without a hitch. I was planning to use brass screws but found them to be way too soft. From that point forward, I used stainless steel screws. Tougher and no way they would fail.

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